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My Blog by Elizabeth Young

   Bespoke Oak Memory Boxes
"Memory is the ability of the mind to recall past sensations, thoughts, knowledge etc triggered by words, smell, touch, sound and sight."


My name is Elizabeth Young and my company is Elizabeth Young Designs. I design and handcraft Bespoke, oak, Memory Boxes for your treasured and precious memories and keepsakes. I live and work in this beautiful, amazing, vibrant and sometimes stressful city that is called London.
Welcome to my Blog
I thought it was about time that I put pen to paper or in my case fingertip to screen. I wanted to introduce myself and my business to you so you can see the things I design, create and love to make. I am going to write about my work, where I live and some of my personal interests.
I hope you enjoy my writing and the photos and pictures that I will share with you. 
Please feel free to contact me at:
©Elizabeth Young 

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